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magicparacordUK Get-Back-Whips are woven from paracord in a repeated spiral weave and include statement items such as skulls, rings, spikes, monkey fists, nuts and weights for the monkey fist core.


The ends can be custom finished in a weighted monkey fist, long fringed tassels, spike ended tassels, skulls or left in straight paracord.


The colours can represent a bike club or complement the bike itself or colours      favourite to the rider specifically, so each is a design that is original and unique.


We weave our ‘Get Back Whips’ in the colours requested, with the statement items desired and to the length specified. 

So why is it called a ‘Get-Back-Whip’.


Surfing the www you will find many comments and ideas but the basis comes from when bikers rode in groups wearing their colours.  They had a patch, an area where they saw themselves as the ‘owners’ of that area and other bikers were seen as trespassers and confronted as such.  That is not to say ALL bike groups were established around such an idea but it gave birth to the ‘Get-Back-Whip’.


Originally made from plaited leather, the whip hung from a quick release clasp from the clutch lever.  Upon being approached by another gang the whip could be released quickly and used to show the colours of the club and used in a whipping motion to ward away the ‘trespassers’.  The whip could then be reattached to the lever.  And all using only one hand.


Today a ‘Get-Back-Whip’ is a decorative item.  Hanging from the clutch lever, to show club and membership colours. 

magicparacordUK can weave a whip in a combination of  colours to suit your club or your individual needs.  The colours can suit your bike, your clothing or just be are presentation of ‘you’.


Our ‘Get-Back-Whips’ have an inner core that is visible

when the whip is stretched or twisted open so a specific 

additional colour can be added into the weave.


magicparacordUK weave their whips by hand and to order as the

whip is individual so its colours, length, added statement items,

tassel ends are all done to your request.


We can add small skulls to the tassels and end the tassel in a knot

or a fringe.


Length is dependant upon the length of your  clutch lever to the floor 

minus 2-3 inch.  This allows for a natural stretch in the whip when it

is hanging and some extra long whips can stretch as few inches.



magicparacordUk can weave our whips to any length.  We use a

standard weave pattern which gives a spiral effect with one colour

almost horizontal and another colour almost vertical.  Third colour

can be used as the hidden core.



All our whips have a square weave just below the quick release clasp. 

This square weave gives strength to the handle end and can have a

hanging tassel added to finish the handle.


Just below the handle, we can add a statement ‘ring’.  This is a

silver colour or black design ring and we have a varied selection from

skulls to eagles to warrior helmets.



At magicparacordUK we create the ‘Get-Back-Whip’ to your specific requirements so they are all unique.  We can create same colour whips and add different statement items for clubs. 

The whip colours are then the club colours but the statement items identify specific      members own unique whip.


For length, the whips can be done to any overall length but it must be remembered that the longer the whip, the heavier the weave and so the more it will stretch whilst hanging.  For those bikers with ‘ape hanger’ bars we can add a reinforcing core to reduce the stretch of the whip and have woven a 48inch red, white, yellow whip with such a core so reducing its stretch to under an inch.


Our Gallery shows a selection of ‘Get-Back-Whips’ with different colour combinations

and statement items.



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